Saturday, October 4, 2008

What role do you take?

“I feel like going to a coffee shop for dinner,” one said
Another would response, “I prefer eating in a fast food restaurant.’

I believe that everyone will experience the scenario that I have mentioned. It is very common when we are in groups. Be it with our friends or family members. Conflicts will deem to occur due to different preference, cultures, beliefs, etc.

I experience it almost every time I meet up with my friends. Deciding the place that we will be going, determine what and where we will be having lunch or dinner and what we are going to do when we meet. Usually, I am the one observing as I am fine with whatever decision they made. They usually force me decide when both sides have an equal number of votes. This is what I detest most if such situation occurs. They claimed that I did not take part in the decision making. Nevertheless, I think that life would be so much easier for everyone if I am ‘ok’ with almost anything.

Not all the time we will reach to a conclusion after ‘debating’ over it. A friend of ours will usually act as a harmoniser and compromiser. She is like me. However, she will be observing for a moment before interrupting the rest. She will harmonize the group. And, most importantly, she tries to compromise both sides of the group so that we can continue our activities for the day. I will then follow the group decision which makes me a follower as well.

I usually envy her as she has the ability to make quick decision for the group. Without her, our group will be lost. In a group, I think there are a few roles which are very important such as compromiser and harmoniser. Conflicts will definitely happen. The two roles will play a part in such situation.

Although I may be a follower and an observer in a group, it does not mean that I do not have opinion. In social groups, I can go along with the majority. However, in project groups or work-related groups, I will give my opinion as it is important to put your ideas across so that decision could be make quickly.

What roles do you play in your own group? Do you play the same role in ALL groups?


BlockBuilder said...

What roles do you play in your own group? Do you play the same role in ALL groups?

Jolene: I don't play the same roles in all groups. very much depends on the people that make up the group that i'm with. with people who are more vocal, i'm comfortable being the listener and the compromiser, going along with the majority. but with a less vocal group, i guess i play the role of the harmonizer. with everyone "ok with anything", nothing gets decided. someone has to stand out and make the decision i guess. I think there's nothing wrong being the compromiser/ follower if the person is seriously "ok with anything". what irritates me sometimes is people saying "ok with anything" when asked, yet after the decision has been made, they complain and sometimes make a fuss. i mean if you've got an opinion, then just say it. i think these people merely assume the role of a compromiser/ follower for fear of people pointing fingers at them for making a bad decision, which is what i don't like about some compromisers/followers.

okay, that's all! =D all the best!

ah di zi said...

i think it really depends..
i'll be the decision maker if i'm be with a group of "SUI BIAN" friends..
but i would voice my opinion if i really disagree with the utimate decision..
often, i would follow the "majority wins" rule...

kristen said...

i think it really depends..
i'll be the decision maker if i'm be with a group of "SUI BIAN" friends..
but i would voice my opinion if i really disagree with the utimate decision..
often, i would follow the "majority wins" rule...

Jj said...

i believe i'm similar to you in the first scenario, fine with almost anything (even if i know i wont really like it) and dumbfounded when i'm asked to decide (i rarely get to though). as long as i get to satisfy my tummy, that'll do! ;D

i play a different role however in project groups. i would enjoy being the one leading and giving out instructions (ordering is less tiring than doing the process itself :P). and i doubt i'll give my opinion like yours in your case unless i think mine is really good or at least much much better than the ones available.

p.s i dislike it when group members agree in the front but disagree at the back.

grace said...

i think i play various types of roles whenever i'm in different groups. Juz imagine playing playing the same role in every group, does tt really apply? Do you always apply the same exact method to every problem? The ans is obvious. I would generally play the observer or the more vocal person. This is because if everyone in the group wants to talk, what would end up? I guess a quarrel would surface usually cause everyone is busy expressing themselves while noe one is playing the role of listening. On the other hand, if everyone plays the liestioning/observer role, how dull can the group be? These vocal people will be there to add some colours. And it is definitely significant!

hapie said...

i think we all play a different role especially in the different groups of people we are in. take for example when you are with your good friends you tend to be more open and frank with your words but when you are with a girl you like everything changes you will act mature and always choose the right words to use rather than the one you prefered. i think this is because when we are with different groups of people we have different comfort level hence the difference in our behaviour.

Anonymous said...

i play a few roles in my group among my friends.if i really want to go to that certain place, i will paricipate in their decision.but most of the time i am ok with anything.even if they did not go to the place that i wish to i am still ok with it.but of course when i am in a project group i will voice out my opinion in order to help my group. i feel that in certain cases we should voice out so that to make things easier for our friends,if not, if our friends are also ok with anything we will end up taking a ver long time to decide and have very little time to do own things.