Sunday, September 28, 2008


This source is from a website.

Firstly, I analyze from the perspective of the comic character. It shows how we consciously choose to use information that we are exposed, to determine our fate. In this comic, the comic character uses media – newspaper. He read from the horoscope that his new companion will appear in his life. This may result him to be consciously looking for his new love. The horoscope uses physical appearance to describe, “Cute blonde”. First impression creates a great impact. He was with all smiles when he heard the door bell rang and look forward to the possibility of meeting a cute blonde opposite sex. However, when the comic character opened the door and found a cat, he was so disappointed. Judgments of physical attractiveness may be influenced by the cultural norms as everyone views physical attractiveness differently.

First impression is very important in our lives as you leave a strong impact on others. Be it in a job interview or meeting your clients, we should be in our best to create a good impression. Imagine patronizing a shop and served by a rude employee of the shop, your first impression of the shop will be tarnished by the one serving you.

Next, I shall analyze from the perspective of the cat. When he appeared at the doorstep, she fell in love with the comic character. I think that she found a cat lover. He assumes that the comic character is a cat lover and will definitely like her.

Non verbal communication has been used. Kinesics. It affects displays. The smile on the cat’s face shows that she is happy to find an owner. The disappointment shown on the comic character’s shows that the ‘cute blonde’ opposite sex described in the horoscope is actually referring to the cat.

Have you actually face similar situation before? Does this comic strip describe your feeling in searching for companionship after reading horoscopes found in newspapers or magazines? Have you create a bad impression before? What were the comments received?


Anonymous said...

i think the comics also proves that sex sells. it makes people happy and appeal to people too.

hapie said...

its true that first impression is very important. it really determines the future relationship with another person. and i also think that different people have different person about a similar thing. my teacher have illustrated this to ur by asking the whole class what is 1+1, answers varies from 2,11,window and even 1 they all have thier own logical sxplanation. I think that sometimes things that we read or heard about can make us more aware about certain norms in our lives that we tend to overlook before. Its similar to the comic.