Saturday, September 6, 2008

Have it instilled in YOU?

This source is a local advertisement by National Family Council. The organisation aims to build resilient families in Singapore. The advertisement illustrated the endless demands by children in which parents try to satisfy. This commercial shows the importance of a family and through simple actions, it can bring about family love.

The objective of this commercial is to appeal to Singaporeans that we need to spend sufficient time with our family members to form strong bonds.

The advertisement has used both verbal & non-verbal communication to bring the message across to the audience. It narrates her story from a young girl till she has grown to become a teenager. This commercial has used to Logos as well as Pathos to achieve its objective. The young girl has used various expressions. For examples, she managed to bring out her anger using expression as her father was late to pick her up from school and when her father failed to buy her a pair of heels she desired for. Although the emotions are very fine, I think that it was rather touching. It appeals to Singaporeans that communicating with family members is important to show their love for one another.

This advertisement was played frequently during prime time as hectic working adults and busy students are usually back home during that time to watch television programmes. I think that National Family Council has instilled their message to me due to the number of times that it has been played through the media.

However, I think that although the organisation tries hard to encourage family to communicate and understand one another, it is not very practical in our society as we lead an individualistic lifestyle. This is because each of us has different priorities at different phases of our lives due to the competiveness in our society. This has result us to spend lesser time with our family members.


Anonymous said...

Boo! guess what i remembered this advertisment even though i didn't click on the link! yea. the father is always trying his best to do whats good for his daughter. i think sometime we as children don get what our parents do for us. we take stuff for granted i guess. time will make us learn! can't imagine im saying/typing all these!

anyway, angel here! =D tell (msg) me whats this about? as in this blog. assignment?

TOFU said...

I think the tvc has a meaningful message and especially aimed at the majority population which consists of HDB dwellers in Singapore. Therefore most of us can relate to it.

I don't think it's not practical. After all it did stir up some feelings in us. So in that case, they've succeeded, haven't they? Perhaps a working adult at somewhere watching this, who's living away from home decides to make an effort to visit his parents this weekend. Who knows? :)

Anyway, jiayou! Take care.


Agent.Impatient said...

I think the special aspect about this advertisement is that it doesn’t really look like one. It looks more like a short video which might be the selling point to attract the audiences. But for myself, I actually felt that it was a drag. I wouldn’t sit through the whole advertisement even though it’s only about 3 minutes. I supposed if the advertisement fails to capture the audience's attention, it has failed in its purpose to sell something. But then again, maybe I only happen to be the few who is not attracted to this advertisement.