Sunday, October 19, 2008

Are you sure its still the same?

The functions of the mass media have changed dramatically over the years. The mass media, especially the Internet, have globalised and changed over the many decades. It had given people an avenue to express their views freely but only to a certain extent depending on their society.
I have read TODAY on 17 October 2008 that the internet has been part of our lives. Statistics show that 60% are average daily users. Watching movies, making online friends, playing games are some reasons for why we log on the net for. The four media functions are surveillance, correlation, cultural transmission and entertainment. However, I believe that it does not stop there. This is because we can now take the role of providing news through the net. An example would be Strait Time Moblie Online Print aka STOMP. It’s a website where there is lots of discussion and sharing.

The internet seems very wonderful where its a global platform where ideas and information flourishes furthermore we could be part of it. However there is a downside of it, due to our manipulation it had become a tool which we use to commit undesirable acts. I read an article on 13 October 2008 show how the Internet contributes to crimes. Cyber-bully cases are on the rise in Singapore. Statistics in 2006 revealed that 25% have been victimized through the Internet. We can be emotionally disturbed because of the comments we seen on the Internet. Internet users can easily attack anyone as they are anonymous and unidentified. They feel a sense of satisfaction when posting rude and insulting comments about you as they might be timid in real life. Victims will feel insecure but could not do much about it. This again, brings satisfaction to the attacker. This clearly shows the power of the Internet.

However in Singapore blogs are closely watched because we are a multiracial country and racial riot is a constant threat we face. A significant incident to illustrate would be the conviction of a teenager blogger in 2005. He faced 7 charges of sedition. He had post racist comments on his blog specifically targeting the Malay community. He was sentenced to probation rather than jail due to his age and clean record. This had sent a very strict message throughout Singaporean and that is that the government has zero tolerance to racism. This is pertaining to Singapore and different country would want to censor certain part of the internet so as to protect its own interest. Take for example the almighty search engine google have to circum to the different sets of policies dished out to them by different country. Hence it is due to human nature that such rules have to be put in place to give the internet some sort of order.

Singapore is constantly on alert to take down and threatening post or activity on the internet. She has organization working around the clock to monitor the internet because it can be a very good helper but also a formidable enemy. Nonetheless we would still continue exploiting the power of the internet but we must exercise responsibility when we post things in the internet. We should be mature when using the internet and it would serve us well.

you can go to the understand more abt it.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


What culture do you embrace? Do you only embrace one or a mixture of various cultures?

I have been watching a documentary programme, ‘Culture X’, broadcasted on arts central every Thursday at 10p.m. This documentary enabled me to see the various, unique and specific cultures in the world. Countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, India and many others are casted based on the theme for that particular episode.

Based on the recent episode, I think that it is closely link to what I have learnt last week. The theme of this particular episode is society and technology. Technology has lessened our workload. Most importantly, we are able to enjoy more due to the advancement of technology. Gaming is a culture that many youngsters embrace. China is the subject on this episode. This is because, although they used the internet later than the westerners, a major problem has developed in china. Addiction to games (MMORPG) has become a problem in China.

China is trying to put a stop to this addiction as the lives of the youngsters have changed abruptly due to gaming for long hours. They had as little as 2 hours of sleep a day. This was a very serious problem due to the effect it has on the child not only in terms of health but also psychologically. As they play their games for long hours they may not be able to differentiate between the reality and the virtual world. This would affect their decision making. They could also be using games to escape from reality because in games identity is a secret and it makes them feel superior.

A clinic has been set up to lead them back to their normal lives through healthy activities such as exercising. It has also been said that it is not an easy task to keep them from the temptation that they had on the internet. It is due to the fact that they had been addicted to the games for a long period of time and it is hard to change.

It is quite ironic as clinics which have been set up to treat genuinely sick patients have now converted to treat patients which have a totally different kind of illness. It is quite shocking that this problem is so bad in China as they used to be quite backwards in terms of technology before they open up and welcome western influences. It had advanced so rapidly over the years such that this kind of problem had surfaced.

There is a high risk that this problem can also surfaced in Singapore. This is because we are a techno savvy country where most of us know how to operate a computer. Furthermore most of us own one and if not a gaming-lan shop is readily available round the corner. However I feel that it had not become as bad as in China because of the hectic lifestyle of a Singapore student. They are too busy with schoolwork and as such could not spend long hours on the computer. However I can’t deny that there are some addicts in Singapore which need professional help. This problem is not that so bad that it requires a clinic to be set-up to help them as in the case of China. With the different culture Singapore has embraced in, we solve our internal problems differently.

So what cultures do you think we embrace?

*If you have missed the previous episodes of Culture X, visit the website :)*

Saturday, October 4, 2008

What role do you take?

“I feel like going to a coffee shop for dinner,” one said
Another would response, “I prefer eating in a fast food restaurant.’

I believe that everyone will experience the scenario that I have mentioned. It is very common when we are in groups. Be it with our friends or family members. Conflicts will deem to occur due to different preference, cultures, beliefs, etc.

I experience it almost every time I meet up with my friends. Deciding the place that we will be going, determine what and where we will be having lunch or dinner and what we are going to do when we meet. Usually, I am the one observing as I am fine with whatever decision they made. They usually force me decide when both sides have an equal number of votes. This is what I detest most if such situation occurs. They claimed that I did not take part in the decision making. Nevertheless, I think that life would be so much easier for everyone if I am ‘ok’ with almost anything.

Not all the time we will reach to a conclusion after ‘debating’ over it. A friend of ours will usually act as a harmoniser and compromiser. She is like me. However, she will be observing for a moment before interrupting the rest. She will harmonize the group. And, most importantly, she tries to compromise both sides of the group so that we can continue our activities for the day. I will then follow the group decision which makes me a follower as well.

I usually envy her as she has the ability to make quick decision for the group. Without her, our group will be lost. In a group, I think there are a few roles which are very important such as compromiser and harmoniser. Conflicts will definitely happen. The two roles will play a part in such situation.

Although I may be a follower and an observer in a group, it does not mean that I do not have opinion. In social groups, I can go along with the majority. However, in project groups or work-related groups, I will give my opinion as it is important to put your ideas across so that decision could be make quickly.

What roles do you play in your own group? Do you play the same role in ALL groups?